“We live on the leash of our senses.” ~ Diane Ackerman
Things that are on my mind....
the high anxiety of the populous bruised arrogance on a flagpole self-effacement at half mast losing it – slipping through the fingers – immigrants dropping from high places mortification It's Christmas day - We've had dreary weather in Kansas City both yesterday and today but the temperatures have turned mild.
Some reading and writing on my plate for today. Reflextions too on the year in passing. Those seem involuntary but at some point n the next couple of days I feel compelled to take inventory of 2016 and look ahead to 2017. Last night we got together with my son, two daughters, son-in-law and granddaughter. My daughter that is out of town sent the really cool sweater I have on in the picture above. If you've ever watched Blue Bloods it's just like the iconic sweater that Commissioner Frank Reagan wears on the show when he comes home in the evening. When I put it on I feel like I should pour myself a drink. I'm thinking peace and all things good to friends and family. Today is cold and too treacherous to venture out. This photo was not taken today as I have only left the house to take the dogs out back.
This is the kind of day to write and drink coffee. The kind of day to cur up with a good book. The kind day for soup or beans or chilli. Id ike to say Ive written something profound but I don't think that I've reached that point yet, but I will be back at work shortly looking for the right words to fill my pages. Read an interesting New Yorker article - Emily Dickinson's Singular Scrap Poetry. Apparently Dickinson scrawled lines on must anything she could; envelopes, chocolate wrappers.
Sometimes I kick myself for having drafts and snippets of writing less than organized. I scramble to assemble it better, but never satisfied. Wondering how others organize their writing... looking for more simplification. Any Thoughts? I'm back to doing Submission Saturday but today's submission work will have to wait till later in the day. Going to see Miss Sloane. The this evening writing and submitting.
Hard to believe that December is a third of the way over and hence the year draining like the last sand in an hourglass. I must admit that this is not a year that I will look back on fondly for many reasons. This has not been particularly a year of hope, but rather rhetoric and outright lies and disdain. It's had to embrace such things. Perhaps the one thing 2016 has been good for is poetry of witness. It will be a kick ass year in that department. Addendum~ we toke my mother with us to the movie and ended up leaving about fifteen minutes in as my mother was not feeling well. It was enough of a taste of the movie to know that I want to see it. "Any writer is a better writer the less insulated he or she is." ~ Lisel Mueller A child actor I killed it on my first screen test The night culmanites months of shifting sand
it settles unexpectantly under a staggering amount of vile but protected speech |
AuthorMichael Allyn Wells - notes & musings Archives
November 2024