Brought a lot of reading material back from AWP and among them theses two books. These are what I presently am reading. The Bride Minaret by Heather Derr-Smith and Then Come Back - The Lost Neruda Poems. Just prior to leaving for AWP I finished reading Derr-Smith's book Tongue Screw which I will likely review here in the near future.
Saturday evening and I'm resting my tired legs from 4 days of AWP Conference in Washington D.C. Tomorrow, it's back home with new reading material as well as tons of information to process. Additionally, I was accepted into the AWP Writer 2 Writer Mentoring Program. Above I am standing with Diane Zinna who directs the innovative program that has to be one of the most exciting member services available. I am matched with a mentor Ken Waldman for the Spring session. There are two sessions each year - and so far about 200 writers have been through the program. I applied for the program 6 different sessions and finally was matched. On the final day I was able to meet Shaindel Beers, author of two poetry collections and one of my favorite poets. After reading both her books and interacting with her for several years no on social media it was cool to connect.
One of the most fascinating panels I attended was the Manifesto Project. I also picked up a copy of the Manifesto Project published by Akron University Press. I'm sure I will have more to say about this work in the near future. So what I saw this weekend was a whole lot of social energy. It was quiet in one sense and organized, but it spoke loudly.
I've heard some suggest that there was no central message but I beg to differ. At it's core the message is that we are many and we are united and there is a lot the we can come to together and agree upon. There is a notion that anger and the hate that this nation has endured this past say 18 months is not really who we are, but a tiny portion and they do not reflect the America that we love and believe in. So, can anything good come of this? It already has. We have demonstrated that we are unified and have massive numbers. That we support the rights and liberties afforded us under the constitution and that it is not just my right that i'm concerned about, but my neighbor and co-worker, and people in other communities and of every color and religion and gender or gender identity. This weekend may do noting more as far as Trump is concerned than get under his sensitive skin and tug at his precious ego. But that is a big thing because it dictates everything he cares and talks about. But where Congress is concerned, the march this weekend was a shot across the bow. It is a reminder that we are watching. That we care about ACA, about Women's Rights, about domestic violence, about safety in our communities from gun violence, about religious freedom and how immigrants are treated. We care when people in power bully and abuse their power. We are well aware the mid-term elections are around the corner and there are consequences for this Congress and this president - all of the same party. They will not be able to hide. There was a lot of hope and promise in those all around this nation marching in unison. It was a good thing. It was actually a great thing! So last night was a reading at the Writers Place. Three Scheduled readers, Dawn Downey, Jeanette Powers and Hearter Derr-Smith.
Jeanette I've heard before. I've seen her do performance poetry but last night was a more traditional reading. Jeanette can funny or at that is how she often presents and most of her material was on the lighter side. She was very enjoyable. Dawn's work was more prose orientated. She from some essay material. Her language skills showed in her readings. Very philosophical in nature. Heather Derr- Smith did not make it to the reading. I don't know the reason but it was most disappointing as I've hear her work is outstanding from several sources. Additionally, she has material on her web site that is so powerful. She has a pot of personal experience to lean on when she writes and I hope to at some point in the future meet her because is increasingly talented. Her we site can be found here. New York’s harbor is rising as tears from Lady Liberty
rain down. A black hood is placed over her head; she knows only that America is in peril from within. Michael Allyn Wells So, from the Exciting News department, AWP is coming to Kansas City! Okay, it is four years away, but three new future host cities for the AWP annual conference were announced this week and they include my fair city. The 2021 event will be here. God that sounds so far away.
It will be so cheap with no air travel or hotel accommodations needed. My expenses for D.C. next month will be substantial. Still, I'm looking forward to the craziness. |
AuthorMichael Allyn Wells - notes & musings Archives
November 2024